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 The National Chamber Network of Greek Women Entrepreneurs and Business Executives was founded in 2004 by the six chambers of Attica, with the aim of strengthening women's entrepreneurship and promoting them to positions of responsibility, in accordance with the decisions of Lisbon, which want Europe to dominate strength and with the participation of women.

According to the Statute of the Network, any Chamber that wished could, with a simple decision of its Council, join the Network. Almost all the Chambers of the country quickly became members of the Network. In 2008, the Statute was reformed and all the Chambers were included by name. Therefore, all female entrepreneurs, members of the Chambers of Greece, are automatically members of the Network.

Each Chamber is represented in the Network by an elected symbol of its Council and a representative of the Chamber's executives.

The Network is managed by a nine-member Steering Committee and the General Assembly of Chamber Representatives.

The goal of the Network, as mentioned above, is to strengthen women's entrepreneurship . However, in order to achieve this goal, there are other individual goals that must be conquered. There are problems waiting to be solved, there is also a strong tradition, which wants the woman at home, mother, daughter, wife, assistant, sidekick and not the protagonist.

The Women of the Network must fight for the elimination of professional stereotypes, for the equalization of wages, for the low participation of women in Decision-Making Centers, for the parameters that will help women to balance family life and career, for easy access of women in financing, for their professional training and specialization, for their information about professional matters, for the improvement of their professional profile and their better performance.

We strive towards these goals and call on the state to help. To adopt the principles of the leaf equality map and to give women the opportunities they need for their professional advancement and recognition. The values ​​of women are well known. Its involvement in the business and economic web can only have positive results.

We do not ask for privileges, we do not ask for discrimination. We demand real equality. The right to fight in a society that demands from its citizens hard work, and sacrifices. We envision a state and a society that rewards the best, regardless of gender and promotes them to positions of prestige and responsibility as they deserve.

These are the principles of the Network and we will fight for them.


Women entrepreneurs, the European Parliament, the Municipal Councils and the Regions of our country, are also our space. Frame the ballots of the Parties you belong to and claim the position that belongs to you. Vote for women candidates and give them the opportunity to support you in the difficult race of the path to the Decision Making Centers. Finally, we invite you, in addition to supporting women, to generally support the business candidates of the combinations. The people who can represent us in the domestic as well as in the European Market, the people who know our struggles and the difficult course of entrepreneurship in our country".

The President of the National Chamber Network of Greek Businesswomen

Mrs. Sofia Oikonomakou and the Management Committee of the Network, as representatives of the business community of women entrepreneurs in Greece,

Call on businesswomen, market women, hardworking women who bear the burden of support of the family and are experiencing the results and consequences of the crisis, to vote for women, to support worthy and strong women, but also worthy and capable men, setting aside all forms of compromise, in order to bring new morals and principles to local government and to send to Europe the those people who will support Greek interests and fight for Greece and the Greeks.

EEDEGE retrains young entrepreneurs

erasmousThe National Chamber Network of Greek Women Entrepreneurs (EEDEGE), was selected as an Intermediate Implementation Body in the European program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, for the next two years.

The proposal in which EEDEGE will participate is called "Entrepreneurship For Innovative Change- E4IC" and aims at the professional reservation and cross-border exchange of knowledge between young people from Spain (Fundacion Empresa-Universidad de Alicante de la Comunidad Valenciana and Innogate to Europe, Consultoria de Proyectos Europeos)), Poland (Association “Education for Entrepreneurship”), Romania (Consiliul National al Intereprinderilor private Mici si Mijocii din Romania) and England (European Information Service Center ltd).

Through this specific action, new entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to move to European countries in order to be trained and retrained in subjects of their professional interest, to acquire know-how and expertise, thus facing the new challenges of the labor market.

The Pan-Hellenic representation of the Women's Chamber Business Potential on behalf of the Network, will give the opportunity to young entrepreneurs from all over Greece to benefit by utilizing the possibilities of the program.

Referring to the implementation of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Mrs. Sofia Oikonomakou, President of the National Chamber Network of Greek Women Entrepreneurs, said: "The aim of the Network is to staff the business community with fresh minds, young entrepreneurs, capable and ready to shape new data in the sector in which they are active, to innovate and transfer good practices from their further education countries, to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the Greek economy".